Well a feed is basically a formatted version of the contents of the site, what it does is give you the ability to read the contents of a site, without visiting the site, this way you can read several sites in one go, also because the feed only updates when there is new stuff, you will never have to go to the site and check if there is new stuff.
Does that mean i will never have to come to Soundcult? Well if you want to make comments or have other extras, you will have to come to the site, but if you just want the great reviews and the mp3’s then no, you don’t need to, you can read it all without ever touching the site ^^
So how do feeds work?, well you first need the url to the feed, in the case of Soundcult.com the url is https://www.soundcult.com/feed/ and then you will have to choose the system you want to use to read the feeds, basically you can use a offline reader (or software reader) or a online reader (or news reader), choose the one you might like and just follow the specific news reader instruction on adding Soundcult’s url to the feed reader ^^
List of the top Offline news reader’s:
List of the top Online news reader’s:
Google Feed Reader
There are several others, but most of them are start pages (things of that sort) and not really feed readers, not that they are bad, but they probably won’t give you the full content, only a small excerpt.
Links to sites that might explain it better:
Wikipedia “Web Feed”
BBC What are News Feeds?
BBC Feed Factory
Chicago’s Tribune Feed’s in 23 Simple Steps