First of all you must be registered on Soundcult, as a Author or Editor.

Now you need to Login to the Control Panel, by going to Meta > Login (or using )

Now you go to Write, it will open the Write Post panel

Here you can see the main editor, with sidebars and upload system, i will give a more detailed view bellow

Here is the title bar and the tools panel, i will give a quick review of all the tools and options

* Title > You write the Title of Your Post


B > Select some text, by dragging a selection are with you mouse and press this button and the text will be bold

I > Same thing as above, but italic

ABC > Same thing as above, but crossed over

  • .- > Formatted with Bullets
  1. 1- > Formatted with Numbers

Push Left > Push all text Left

Push Right > Push all text right

Justify Left > Justify Text Left

Justify Centered > Justify Text Centered

Justify Right > Justify Text Right

Link > Select some text, by dragging a selection are with you mouse and press this button and it creates a link (please choose the link to open in a new window and give it a name)

Delete Link > It deletes the link, not the text

Insert Image > To insert and outside image (not recommended, if you want to put pictures use the upload system)

Insert Separator > Inserts a html separator (bellow)

Go Back > Also know as Undo, i tries to revert your last actions

Go Forward > When you don’t want to make an undo

HTML > To see the post in HTML (very helpful to troubleshoot)

HELP > To get more help on the Editor’s Functions

On the sidebar you can find a couple of more options, just press the + (Plus Sign) To give you the options, they are pretty straight forward, the most important is the categories, please choose 1 or more categories before submitting a new post.

The upload section is bellow the editor to upload a picture or file (2mb max) just use browse, find the file, then write what it is on the title, remember if it’s a normal review you should resize the picture to 200 width and 200 height, if you don’t know how to do that, just ask one of the admins or go to one of this sites and do it yourself resizr/pxn8/snipshot, also to find the cover image, do a search like in google images or something, and then click the upload button,

Upload Picture
When it’s finished it will look something like this

Upload Menu
Put your mouse above and press the left mouse key, this options will popup, normally we press the “Using Thumbnail” (so we use the original image and not a thumbnail) and then we drag the image to the editor or choose “Send to editor”, then choose “Close Options”

To include the mp3, first you need to upload it to the server (talk to the admin he will give you all the information you might need) after that’s done, it’s quite simple, you just need to create a link to it, to point to the mp3…
Write the name of the mp3

mp3 link
Select the text and click on the link button

mp3 box
It will open this box, just fill in, first the url to the mp3, then the target (it actually doesnt matter, but since this is the same way you create a normal link, then if it were a link to another webpage, then you should choose “open the link on another window”), the the name of the music, and click the insert button

mp3 finished
And there you go, the software will create the flash mp3 player automatically, and anyone will be able to download it ^^
With the advent of tags, you can now look underneath the buttons for “Save and Continue Editing to See a preview of your post below, or Publish to Publish Your Post” and add the tags for the post, anything you might find relevant.

as an example i could tag something from the band “Lamb of God” like this:

Metal,New AmericanMetal,Extreme,Headbanging,Thrash,Unique

But that’s a matter of taste, someone else might tag it has:

Metal,Post Thrash,American


Lamb of God,Powerful,Energetic,Riffs,Super Original

Adding Tags
There are no rules, the use of tags, is just a way to help people find music, mostly music that is related, like listening to Thrash or Metal or something more obscure like Digital Hardcore.

Choose Save and Continue Editing to See a preview of your post below, or Publish to Publish Your Post

And that’s it, please go to the Editing Guidelines so you can see some of our Guidelines, this post and the Guidelines Post should be enough so you can make posts with ease.