Gojira – From Mars To Sirius


Lets start this by saying i love Gojira, i don’t know them for long, but in the last couple of months we have become very close, like a married man with it’s mistress, well back to the point, Gojira plays a very personalized kind of “Neo” Morbid Angel, you know a slow hard and technical Death/Black Metal, but unlike Morbid Angel, Gojira seem to have an edge, picking the best of all kinds of metal and fusing into their progressive onslaught.

But before i start with the praises, let’s have a look at the album, the album starter is “Ocean Planet” and its a strange music to start the album it, its slow and decadent and…who cares this is clearly a concept album and i can say that basically all tracks are as different and eclectic as “Ocean Planet” and one thing i guarantee by the end of it you’ll be headbanging as hard as you can, now the album starts to go get a faster pace, with “Backbone” you’ll get a kick in the head, dark, heavy, technical as hell, truly original, and the best ones are still to come, yeah you heard me, then comes “From The Sky” and you start to see a pattern, a very “OH MY GAWD THIS IS THE BEST ALBUM EVER” kind of pattern, then comes the melodic interlude, that well it’s actually feels more like interlude with “Where Dragons Fall” that although heavy as hell, doesn’t seem that well crafted, like i said an extended interlude to “The Heaviest Matter Of The Universe” and although it’s believed that the universe is sparse on heavy matter, Gojira seems to believe otherwise and shows it in spades.

As we approach mid album, things just get hotter and hotter, with the silent intro, deadly on the inside “Flying Whales” and my favorite track “In The Wilderness”, i’m just with lack of superlatives to trow at Gojira’s “From Mars To Sirius”, the next track one of the calmer ones, we can see the progression to a deeper and calmer sound, does this mean it doesn’t rock… as another attribute to Gojira i think it expands their sound, even thought its a pleasure to the senses to ear “In The Wilderness”, a album full of “Wilderness” would get boring and tiresome very fast, then we get to “From Mars”, a low voiced intro to “To Sirius” a very cleverly Singalong, that leads us to “Global Warming” and what a treat, it’s less complex than the rest the album, it’s very similar in style with the first track with a repeating riff throughout, its kind of soothing, and a great way to finish the album.

From start to finish, is it perfect, well perfection is in the eye of the beholder, but through my eyes, Gojira have done a outstanding job and a memorable album, its above all balanced, not overly technical with no apparent slow spots and original as hell, i will keep this one for good.

Official Site Gojira Music | Myspace Gojira

Video Gojira – To Sirius ! Cover Gojira – From Mars To Sirius Front

Gojira – The Heaviest Matter Of The Universe

One response to “Gojira – From Mars To Sirius”

  1. NEBULOUS Avatar

    I agree with fiend. This album is just amazing. Mastodon meets Morbid Angel kind of vibe. Mastodon in the experimentalism and Morbid Angel in the heavy riffs. But not that in your face. I recomend the previous albuns also.
    Oh my god! I believe I just saw a flying whale!

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