There was a little bit of push and shove for me to talk about Head Control System, the only background i was given, is that this is some kind of side project by some big shot metalhead from Reaktor and whatever, and as such i would expect….. hard rock?? well lets see if Head Control System is any good…
So the album starts with “Baby Blue”, nothing until 1:40 then…what a confusion, i think 4 people are trying to sing something at the same time, well unlike good grass this is some bad shit, i tend to believe the most important thing in hard rock (aka Godsmack/Creed/Nickelback) is that it has to be catchy, you can fucking do whatever, but when it gets to the chorus, you better give me some catchy shit, the shit has to rhyme or just sound great, goddamn i’m half way into the first track and i’m praying they don’t jump on a Limp Bizkit/Linkin Park breakbeat, hell that and they have that annoying siren like sample always playing in the background, ohhh shit…they did go into a Limp Bizkit/Linkin Park breakbeat, i must be fucking psychic? or was it psychotic?, they must be fucking kidding me, well lets just skip to the next one, maybe i’m just overreacting, here comes “Skin Flick” and…. ohh great a Tool ripoff, i know i was a bit mean to Tool, but this is worse, there is a reason why Tool are Tool, damm, I’m starting to wonder about my life, why am i doing this?, why do this guys do this to me, i don’t deserve this, i want my mommy.
Better clear my mind, and continue, “Masterpiece [of Art]” … Linkin Park anyone?, “Blunt Instrumental” actually a interesting instrumental interlude, thank god, at least they aren’t trying to play anything, “It Hurts” another unbalanced song, everyone seems to try to do their own thing, to the point of being irritating, i actually have no idea if anyone on this album is good or not, it all feels like telling Slayer to try and backup Cristina Aguilera, it would surely be as much of a bloody mess as this is, and it just doesn’t get better, “Watergate” has the worst chorus i have ever heard, i feel my life force draining away,”Seven” same shit, “Kill Me” i don’t know what this is…, “Wonderworld” for a moment there, i thought the name of the song was Waterworld, well different name, same disaster, “Rapid Eye Movement” didn’t i skip a track?, “Falling on Sleep” …
“Murder Nature”, ohhh yes, there is murder in the air, i have this images of me backstage of a Head Control System gig, with a wooden club with a nail in the point, this is one of those… WHAT WERE THEY THINKING kind of moments, this is really really REALLY bad music, i will spend the rest of this week listening to Tool just to make this go away, well that or i’m wrong and this is indeed a groundbreaking album, far ahead of its time and by that i mean. it can only be appreciated when human evolution has made the use of ears redundant and because of that, people just like to see the lines going up and down on equalizers, i feel like i lost years of my life that i’m never going to get back, i’ll only say this, if you have to choose between alcohol, drugs or smokes and “Murder Nature” you’ll be better off with things you know won’t kill you right away, so no mp3.
Lets Talk About It!