To put it simply, everything under the domain is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.5 License or else owned by Soundcult, if not owned by Soundcult, the Copyright is from their respective Owners, Soundcult makes use of copyright material under the Fair Use doctrine, used in the U.S. Copyright Law and their European Union equivalent, therefore if any copyright holder believes that Soundcult is in any way violating their copyright, they should contact Soundcult personnel, through our Contacts or by commenting on this post, were it says “Share a Comment”, if indeed it’s proven we are, we apologize and will do our best to remove the offending material.
Also remember that all our text is created under the universal right of freedom of speech guaranteed by international and multinational laws such as Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, and therefore will always be under Soundcult’s license and will never be censored in any way.
As an example all the mp3’s on Soundcult were provided online free by the musicians and labels to promote their music, we don’t rip CD’s and we only provide freely available music online, still we might recode those mp3 to improve sound quality, filesize or clarity.
All music on Soundcult is in low definition 128kb cbr mp3’s, so as to be fast and easy to listen to, but mostly to not compete in any way with digital releases from the bands we review.