Ahh, The Autumn Offering? hailing from sunny Florida? and I’m doing this review closer to winter?, well anyway, with such a name what can you expect… you guessed it right, Metalcore, sure they add a lot of other things, and you can cut it anyway you like it, but it’s Metalcore with bit of other things, this is their second album “Embrace the Gutter”, let’s see if its any good.
Mushroomhead – Savior Sorrow
What’s with me and bad albums, well i always had a big admiration for Mushroomhead‘s music and creativity, no one combined a sense of alternative metal than this folks, mixing […]
Gizmachi – The Imbuing
Uhh no? Well according to my intelligence report Gizmachi is a New York act that supposedly plays a hardcore rock nu metal kind of thing, the supposedly part will come […]
Head Control System – Murder Nature
There was a little bit of push and shove for me to talk about Head Control System, the only background i was given, is that this is some kind of […]
Tool – 10000 Days
I have a kind of hate love relation with Tool, i do realize they are talented folk i just don’t seem so interested on their sound, their prowess is without […]