Kryoburn – Enigmatic Existence

In a remote region somewhere in Carlsbad, New Mexico (not Germany), four souls gathered to form KRYOBURN. Despite the distance, the heavier music broke boundaries and transfigured into classic madness.

Comprised of Les and Chris Huber, Todd Brashear (guitar, vocals) and Derrick Richards, KRYOBURN were summoned to existence in 1995 as a METALLICA/ PANTERA cover band, but the originals soon followed. Touring the USA since 2000 with no label support has earned the band the name «touring machine»». But they would not remain out of the label spotlight for long. The debut full-length is now released by Continental/ Rawhead and is set to conquer the world of cyber/ industrial metal.

The song-writing is not as complex as MESHUGGAH’s, but some passages are inevitably similar. The FEAR FACTORY resemblance is not so much for the usual cyber components or the production – Todd Brashea’s vocals come close to Burton C. Bell’s, and they do not sound repetitive or plagiary. The music in general sounds slightly predictable, though. PANTERA is usually an established comparison, but KRYOBURN are not quite in that league – they are more cyber, definitely, and have the same type of melody to find in Resurrection FEAR FACTORY. But they also have the power to make one listen to their CD time and again.

Enigmatic Existence reveals the power of PANTERA’s music allied to early FEAR FACTORY atmosphere and a great deal of energy, power and conviction in the process. The production has been mentioned already – it was conducted by Eddy Garcia, of PISSING RAZORS/ MINISTRY, and features the ideal characteristics for a robotic metal band, i.e., cyber metal. For some, this whole album might be viewed as homage to FEAR FACTORY, but it certainly sounds like a good start for a band that will please younger generations massively. Possible commercial success.

Myspace Kryoburn Tribe | Youtube Kryoburn

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